Knowledge for System and Software Security Research#
In this post, I am maintainling a list of what we should know for system and software security research based on my experience.
Programming Language and Tooling#
Be familiar with C and Python. Write self-explainable code. Don't use many advanced features of Python in one project, which otherwise introduces difficulty for code reviewers.
Learn basic C++ and basic bash. Enable linters, e.g., shellcheck, to remove stupid bugs and use ChatGPT for quick prototyping.
Learn Java for object-oriented programming. I suggest that even developing in Python/C++, apply the best practice of OOP just like coding in Java, which is simple and easy to understand.
Learn how to develop Dockerfile to make your artifact deployable everywhere. Learn Docker's entrypoint/arguments/environment variables/volumns/capabilities and run your program in the Docker container all the time.
Learn how to develop Json/Yaml to make your configs universal.
To compile C/C++, learn how to use gcc/g++/clang/clang++, how to install and uninstall these compilers, and how to debug any warnings and errors. Learn update-alternatives to have multiple versions of the tooling. Have gdb-gef enabled.
Learn what is and how to use cross-platform compilers.
Enable ASAN or UBSAN to mitigate your C/C++ bugs, or learn Rust.
(Linux) utilities#
- ls/mv/pwd/cat/echo/mkdir/rm/touch/hexdump
- cd/pushd/popd
- cp/rsync/dd
- vim
- git
- sudo/chmod/chown
- ps/kill/pkill
- find/grep
- tree/htop/df/du/timeout/watch/locate/head/tail/diff/ping/history/man
- tar/zip
- ssh/scp/rsync
- screen
- apt-get/apt-cache
- source/bash/hash/ldconfig/update-grub
- file/readelf
- nm/ldd/objcopy
Data Structure and Algorithm#
Textbook: Introduction to Algorithms (4th)
Textbook: Hello Algo
Training: Leetcode Top interview 150
Dynamic sets
Operations: Search, Insert, Delete, Minimum, Maximum, Successor, Predecessor
Data structures: Array (list), Stack (deque), Matrices, Queue (deque), Linked List , Rooted tree, Heap (heapq), Hash table
Data structure: Binary search tree (Binary tree, Left <= Right, Fast lookup/addition/removal)
Red-black tree (RB tree)
Every node in a RB tree is either red or black, the children of a red node are both black, and every simple path from a node to a descendant leaf contains the same number of black nodes. RB trees are one of many search-tree schemes that are balanced in order to guarantee that basic dynamic-set operations take O(logn) time in the worst case.
Rbtress in Linux kernel: RB trees are a type of self-balancing binary search tree, used for storing sortable key/value data pairs. This differs from radix trees (which are used to efficiently store sparse arrays and thus use long integer indexes to insert/access/delete nodes) and hash tables (which are not kept sorted to be easily traversed in order, and must be tuned for a specific size and hash function where rbtrees scale gracefully storing arbitrary keys). RB trees are similar to AVL trees, but provide faster real-time bounded worst case performance for insertion and deletion (at most two rotations and three rotations, respectively, to balance the tree), with slightly slower (but still O(log n)) lookup time.
AVL tree
- An AVL tree is a binary search tree that is height balanced: for each node x, the heights of the left and right subtrees of x differ by at most 1.
- Search, Topological sort, Strong connected components, Minimum spanning tree, Shortest paths, Maximum flow, Matching in bipartitie graphs
Advanced data structures
- Augmented RB tree, B-trees, data structures for disjointed sets
Sorting algorithms
- Insertion sort, Merge sort, Heapsort, Quick sort, Counting sort, Radix sort, Bucket sort
Searching algorithms
- Linear search, Breadth-first search, Depth-first search, Binary search, Hash search, Tree search
Algorithm design and analysis
- The halting problem over Turing machines
- Temporal and spatial complexity, Amortized analysis
- Simulation, Enumeration, Iterative algorithm (e.g., when handling linked lists), Divide and conquer (recursive, e.g., when handing binary trees), Backtracking algorithm (recursive), Dynamic programming, Greedy algorithms, Data structure augment
Automata, Regular expression, Context-free grammar
Architecture and Computation System#
x86 shits
- segments
- segment selector: cs/ds/ss, es/fs/gs, indexing segment descriptor
- segment descriptor/cache segment descriptor: base, limit
- segment descriptor table
- gdt: all processes can access this
- ldt: a system can have one or multiple ldts; a process can exclusively use an LDT or use the ldt shared by multiple processes
- To quickly access GDT and LDT, gdtr and ldtr are leveraged
- To demystify
- gdt: array, gdtr stores where the gdt is
- ldt: array, ldtr stores where the ldt for the current process is
- logical address must exist (since x86 cannot disable segments)
- inside the program, a pointer stores the offset to a segment
- iirc, ldt is not enabled, gdt is transparent
- logical address -> linear address -> physical address
- logical address -> segment selector -> gdt/ldt -> linear address
- w/o paging, linear address = physical address
- w/ paging, linear address (virtual address) -> page table -> physical address
- four modes
- Real mode: linear address = physical address, 1MB
- Protect mode: the commonly used mode
- Virtual 8086 mode, provide a real mode on the protect mode (for compatibility)
- segments
Be familiar with x86/x86, arm/aarch64, and riscv assembly.
- Learn ISA extension for security (PAC).
- Learn processor design and pipelines.
- Learn cache and cache coherence.
- Learn magnetic storage and solid-state drive (SSD).
- Learn PCI/USB/Wi-Fi/BE/BLE/BaseBand controllers.
- Learn hardware for virtualization (VT-x/VT-d/EPT/SMMU/IOMMU).
- Learn hardware for security (SGX/TrustZone/TDX/SEV/Realm/HSM/TPM).
Operating System#
- Learn process management.
- Learn memory management.
- Learn file and filesystems
- Learn access control.
- Learn hardening techniques.
VMX = Virtual Machine Extension
Intel VT-x#
- Trap-and-emulation requires all sensitive instructions to be privilege instructions
- Challenges
- Not all sensitive instructions are privilege instructions
- Cannot trigger an exception to be compatible with existing software
- Add one more mode
- VMX Root Operation: when the VMM is running, compatible to existing software
- VMX Non-Root Operation: when the guest is running
- All sensitive instructions are re-designed
- VMM Operations are orthogonal to Ring 0 and 3
vmxon -> VMX Root Operation -> vmlaunch/vmresume -> VM-Entry -> VMX Non-Root Operation -> Some sensitive instructions/MMIO/EPT Violation -> VM-Exit -> VMX Root Operation -> vmxoff
- sysenter won't introduce a VM-Exit, even it is a sensitive instruction
- cpuid must introduce a VM-Exit
- The behaviors of some sensitive instructions are controlled by VMCS
VMCS (Virtual-Machine Control Structure)
- VMCS is stored in memory, different from the guest memory
- VMCS and a physical CPU are 1-1 mapping
- vmptrld addr_of_vmcs/vmcleaer
- VMCS migration may be not implemented
VMCS includes
- Guest-state area - registers
- VM-Exit -> save, VM-Entry -> restore
- Including LDTR
- Host-state area
- VM-Exit -> restore
- Not including LDTR, CS:RIP is where the VM-Exit is handled
- VM-Entry control field
- VMM can inject event (exception/external interrupts/NMI) into the guest vCPU, say when a DMA operation is completed.
- VM-Execution control field
- External-interrupt/Exception bitmap -> VM-Exit?
- Unconditional I/O exiting/Use I/O bigmaps/Use MSR bitmaps -> VM-Exit?
- VM-Exit control field (seems not interesting)
- VM-Exit information field
- Exit reason
- Exit qualification
- VM-Exit interrupt information/interrupt error code for external interrupts/exceptions, and NMI
- Guest linear address/instruction length/instruction information for the sensitive instruction that triggers the VM-Exit
- Guest-state area - registers
vmread/vmwrite to configure VMCS
- VT-x requires that the paging must be enabled in Non-Root operation
- GVA -> GPA -> HPA
- Challenges
- Shadow page table is very complicated and expensive
- Add one more hardware: EPT
- Specifically, given a GVA, 5 queries in total
- Guest CR3 (GPA) -> EPT TLB -> EPT page table (EPT MMU) -> HPA or EPT Violation (1)
- GVA + L4 GHA -> L3 GPA or page fault (no VM-Exit) -> HPA or EPT Violation (2)
- GVA + L3 GHA -> L2 GPA or page fault (no VM-Exit) -> HPA or EPT Violation (3)
- GVA + L2 GHA -> L1 GPA or page fault (no VM-Exit) -> HPA or EPT Violation (4)
- GVA + L1 GHA -> GPA or page fault (no VM-Exit) -> HPA or EPT Violation (5)
- Specifically
- EPT is configured (enabling and address) in VMCS's VM-Execution control field
- EPT Violation happens when
- GPA's address is large
- Guest is reading a not readable page
- Guest is writing a not writable page
- Guest is executing a not executable page
Nested Virtualization#
Computer Networking#
- Learn TCP/UDP programming.
- Learn SQL
- LLVM IR and passes