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Coverage Control in libFuzzer

This article reveals how to control the coverage collection in libFuzzer.

How to use libFuzzer?

To use libFuzzer, it is necessary to develop a fuzz target. Please refer to this and this to check how to develop a fuzz target and how to compile it with Clang.

How to compiler LLVM project?

Download llvm-project and compile like below. Please also refer to this and this.

git clone --depth=1
mkdir build; cd build
ninja clang compiler-rt
export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH

Details beneath -fsanitize=fuzzer

As we all know, when compiling a program, a compiler will automatically expand its compiler flags. If -v is enable, the compiler will show all flags. Considering a very simple example: clang -o foo -fsanitize=fuzzer foo.c, the full flags related to -fsanitize are in the following.

"$LLVM/bin/clang-13" -cc1 \
   -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu \
   -emit-obj \
   -target-cpu x86-64 -v \
   -fsanitize-coverage-type=1 -fsanitize-coverage-type=3 \
   -fsanitize-coverage-indirect-calls \
   -fsanitize-coverage-trace-cmp \
   -fsanitize-coverage-inline-8bit-counters \
   -fsanitize-coverage-pc-table \
   -fsanitize-coverage-stack-depth \
   -fsanitize-coverage-trace-state \
   -fsanitize=fuzzer,fuzzer-no-link \
   -o /tmp/main-d501e8.o -x c main.c
"/usr/local/bin/ld" -z relro \
   --hash-style=gnu --eh-frame-hdr \
    -m elf_x86_64 \
    -dynamic-linker /lib64/ \
    -o main \
    $LLVM/lib/clang/13.0.0/lib/linux/libclang_rt.fuzzer-x86_64.a \
    $LLVM/lib/clang/13.0.0/lib/linux/libclang_rt.fuzzer_interceptors-x86_64.a \
    $LLVM/lib/clang/13.0.0/lib/linux/libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone-x86_64.a \
    --dynamic-list=$LLVM/lib/clang/13.0.0/lib/linux/libclang_rt.ubsan_standalone-x86_64.a.syms \

It's SanitizerArgs() that parses SanCov and sanitizers flags. The path to it is in the following.

 [#0] clang::driver::SanitizerArgs::SanitizerArgs()
 [#1] clang::driver::ToolChain::getSanitizerArgs() const()
 [#2] clang::driver::toolchains::Linux::isPIEDefault() const()
 [#3] clang::driver::tools::ParsePICArgs()
 [#4] clang::driver::tools::Clang::ConstructJob()
 [#5] clang::driver::Driver::BuildJobsForActionNoCache()
 [#6] clang::driver::Driver::BuildJobsForAction()
 [#7] clang::driver::Driver::BuildJobsForActionNoCache()
 [#8] clang::driver::Driver::BuildJobsForAction()
 [#9] clang::driver::Driver::BuildJobs()
[#10] clang::driver::Driver::BuildCompilation()
[#11] main()

In SanitizerArgs(), parseArgValues will parse six sanitizer related flags. parseArgValues will invoke parseSanitizerValue defined in clang/lib/Basic/Sanitizers.cpp to parse sanitizers defined clang/include/clang/Basic/Sanitizers.def.

// clang/include/clang/Basic/Sanitizers.def
// libFuzzer
SANITIZER("fuzzer", Fuzzer)

// libFuzzer-required instrumentation, no linking.
SANITIZER("fuzzer-no-link", FuzzerNoLink)

In SanitizerArgs(), parseCoverageFeatures will parse two flags: -fsanitize-coverage=<value> and -fno-sanitize-coverage=<value> to control what kind of coverage information for sanitizers. Try clang --help | grep coverage to see more related flags.

int parseCoverageFeatures(const Driver &D, const llvm::opt::Arg *A) {
  assert(A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_fsanitize_coverage) ||
  int Features = 0;
  for (int i = 0, n = A->getNumValues(); i != n; ++i) {
    const char *Value = A->getValue(i);
    int F = llvm::StringSwitch<int>(Value)
                .Case("func", CoverageFunc)
                .Case("bb", CoverageBB)
                .Case("edge", CoverageEdge)
                .Case("indirect-calls", CoverageIndirCall)
                .Case("trace-bb", CoverageTraceBB)
                .Case("trace-cmp", CoverageTraceCmp)
                .Case("trace-div", CoverageTraceDiv)
                .Case("trace-gep", CoverageTraceGep)
                .Case("8bit-counters", Coverage8bitCounters)
                .Case("trace-pc", CoverageTracePC)
                .Case("trace-pc-guard", CoverageTracePCGuard)
                .Case("no-prune", CoverageNoPrune)
                .Case("inline-8bit-counters", CoverageInline8bitCounters)
                .Case("inline-bool-flag", CoverageInlineBoolFlag)
                .Case("pc-table", CoveragePCTable)
                .Case("stack-depth", CoverageStackDepth)
    if (F == 0)
          << A->getOption().getName() << Value;
    Features |= F;
  return Features;

parseCoverageFeatures clearly show what kind of coverage we can control. In the following are several tips to enable and disable these coverage flags. + func, bb, and edge are mutually exclusive + trace-bb is deprecated, use trace-pc-guard instead + 8bit-counter is deprecated, use trace-pc-guard instead + if use one of func, bb, and edge, trace-pc-guard or trace-pc must be enabled + if one of trace-pc, trace-pc-guard, inline-8bit-counter, and inline-bool-flag is enabled without any func, bb, or edge, then edge is added by default + stack-depth needs func

Returning from SanitizerArgs(), ConstructJob will invoke addArgs to append flags to the command line clang -o foo -fsanitize=fuzzer foo.c.

[#0] 0x55555a470fa2 → clang::driver::SanitizerArgs::addArgs()
[#1] 0x55555a3c6572 → clang::driver::tools::Clang::ConstructJob()
[#2] 0x55555a345a9a → clang::driver::Driver::BuildJobsForActionNoCache()
[#3] 0x55555a343f99 → clang::driver::Driver::BuildJobsForAction()
[#4] 0x55555a344bad → clang::driver::Driver::BuildJobsForActionNoCache()
[#5] 0x55555a343f99 → clang::driver::Driver::BuildJobsForAction()
[#6] 0x55555a34280e → clang::driver::Driver::BuildJobs()
[#7] 0x55555a3345c4 → clang::driver::Driver::BuildCompilation()

addArgs will add corresponding flags according to the table below.

std::pair<int, const char *> CoverageFlags[] = {
    std::make_pair(CoverageFunc, "-fsanitize-coverage-type=1"),
    std::make_pair(CoverageBB, "-fsanitize-coverage-type=2"),
    std::make_pair(CoverageEdge, "-fsanitize-coverage-type=3"),
    std::make_pair(CoverageIndirCall, "-fsanitize-coverage-indirect-calls"),
    std::make_pair(CoverageTraceBB, "-fsanitize-coverage-trace-bb"),
    std::make_pair(CoverageTraceCmp, "-fsanitize-coverage-trace-cmp"),
    std::make_pair(CoverageTraceDiv, "-fsanitize-coverage-trace-div"),
    std::make_pair(CoverageTraceGep, "-fsanitize-coverage-trace-gep"),
    std::make_pair(Coverage8bitCounters, "-fsanitize-coverage-8bit-counters"),
    std::make_pair(CoverageTracePC, "-fsanitize-coverage-trace-pc"),
    std::make_pair(CoveragePCTable, "-fsanitize-coverage-pc-table"),
    std::make_pair(CoverageNoPrune, "-fsanitize-coverage-no-prune"),
    std::make_pair(CoverageStackDepth, "-fsanitize-coverage-stack-depth"),
    std::make_pair(CoverageTraceState, "-fsanitize-coverage-trace-state")};

Returning from Clang::contructJob, addSanitizerRuntimes will expand linker flags.

[#0] 0x55555a3dcbe2 → clang::driver::tools::addSanitizerRuntimes()
[#1] 0x55555a40cac0 → clang::driver::tools::gnutools::Linker::ConstructJob()
[#2] 0x55555a345a9a → clang::driver::Driver::BuildJobsForActionNoCache()
[#3] 0x55555a343f99 → clang::driver::Driver::BuildJobsForAction()
[#4] 0x55555a34280e → clang::driver::Driver::BuildJobs()
[#5] 0x55555a3345c4 → clang::driver::Driver::BuildCompilation()
[#6] 0x555557ddf8f7 → main()

In addSanitizerRuntimes, collectSanitizerRuntimes will collect libraries for sanitizers. + Use -shared-libsan (by default) or -static-libsan to collect dynamic or static libraries + use -fsanitize-link-runtime" (by default) or -fno-sanitize-link-runtime to switch on or off linking

To use ASAN, assign -fsanitize=address. If only -fsanitize=fuzzer, then UBSAN will be enabled.

bool SanitizerArgs::needsUbsanRt() const {
  // All of these include ubsan.
  if (needsAsanRt() || needsMsanRt() || needsHwasanRt() || needsTsanRt() ||
      needsDfsanRt() || needsLsanRt() || needsCfiDiagRt() ||
      (needsScudoRt() && !requiresMinimalRuntime()))
    return false;

  return (Sanitizers.Mask & NeedsUbsanRt & ~TrapSanitizers.Mask) ||

Shortly, if no other sanitizers is enabled, and if any coverage is enabled, UBSAN will be enabled.

After collectSanitizerRuntimes, addSanitizerRuntimes will update runtimes regarding to -fsanitizer=fuzzer.

bool SanitizerArgs::needsFuzzerInterceptors() const {
  return needsFuzzer() && !needsAsanRt() && !needsTsanRt() && !needsMsanRt();

bool tools::addSanitizerRuntimes(...) {
    addSanitizerRuntime(TC, Args, CmdArgs, "fuzzer", false, true);
    if (SanArgs.needsFuzzerInterceptors())
        addSanitizerRuntime(TC, Args, CmdArgs, "fuzzer_interceptors", false, true);

BTW, fuzz_interceptors will be appended if no ASAN, TSAN, MSAN runtime is enabled.

Finally, to narrow down the coverage collection, we can construct a command in the following.

clang -o foo -fsanitize=fuzzer \
    -fno-sanitize-coverage=indirect-calls,trace-cmp,stack-depth,pc-table \

In this way, only edge and inline-8bit-counters are enabled.

Flow of instrumentations

The module pass SanitizerCoverage (llvm/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/SanitizerCoverage.cpp) will instrument coverage flag to each module.

In the first state, SanitizerCoverage will construct the IR of stubs to be instrumented. A classic pattern is in the following.

const char SanCovTracePCIndirName[] = "__sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_indir";
SanCovTracePCIndir = M.getOrInsertFunction(SanCovTracePCIndirName, VoidTy, IntptrTy);

In the second state, SanitizerCoverage will traverse all IR code and do instrumentation at the proper position.

IRB.CreateCall(SanCovTracePCIndir, IRB.CreatePointerCast(Callee, IntptrTy));

The overall flow of SanitizerCoverage is in the following.

    - stage 1
    - for (auto &F : M) { instrumentFunction(F); }
    - split edges if edge coverage[^1]
    - for (auto &BB : F) {
        for (auto &Inst: BB) { /* simplified */
          if (IndirectCalls && xxx) IndirCalls.push_back(&Inst)
          if (TraceCmp && xxx) CmpTraceTargets.push_back(&Inst)
          if (TraceCmp && xxx) SwitchTraceTargets.push_back(&Inst)
          if (TraceDiv && xxx) DivTraceTargets.push_back(BO)
          if (TraceGep && xxx) GepTraceTargets.push_back(BO)
          if (TraceStackDepth && xxx) IsLeafFunc = false;
    - stage 2
        InjectCoverage(F, BlocksToInstrument, IsLeafFunc);
        InjectCoverageForIndirectCalls(F, IndirCalls);
        InjectTraceForCmp(F, CmpTraceTargets);
        InjectTraceForSwitch(F, SwitchTraceTargets);
        InjectTraceForDiv(F, DivTraceTargets);
        InjectTraceForGep(F, GepTraceTargets);

The key function in stage 2 is InjectCoverage.

InjectCoverage first create FunctionGuardArray, Function8bitCounterArray, FunctionBoolArray, or FunctionPCsArray in CreateFunctionLocalArrays, then invoke InjectCoverageAtBlock to handle each basic blocks. InjectCoverageAtBlock will instrument SanCovTracePC, SanCovTracePCGuard, Inline8BitCounters, or InlineBoolFlag, or update the lowest stack frame, for each basic block.

Details of stubs

Please also refer to this.


This will be in front of an indirect call. It requires at least one of trace-pc, trace-pc-guard, inline-8bit-counters, and inline-bool-flag. It accepts one parameter, the callee address. The address of the caller is passed implicitly via caller PC. Importantly, if the callee is inline assembly, the indirect call will not be instrumented. Its implementation in libFuzzer is in the following. In the end, new information will be updated into the value profile.

#define GET_CALLER_PC() __builtin_return_address(0)

void TracePC::HandleCallerCallee(uintptr_t Caller, uintptr_t Callee) {
  const uintptr_t kBits = 12;
  const uintptr_t kMask = (1 << kBits) - 1;
  uintptr_t Idx = (Caller & kMask) | ((Callee & kMask) << kBits);

void __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_indir(uintptr_t Callee) {
  uintptr_t PC = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(GET_CALLER_PC());
  fuzzer::TPC.HandleCallerCallee(PC, Callee);


These will be in front of a cmp instruction with const operand or not. They accept both operands to be compared. The address of the caller is passed implicitly via caller PC. One of its implementation in libFuzzer is in the following. In the end, new information will be updated into the value profile.

#define GET_CALLER_PC() __builtin_return_address(0)

template <class T>
void TracePC::HandleCmp(uintptr_t PC, T Arg1, T Arg2) {
  uint64_t ArgXor = Arg1 ^ Arg2;
  if (sizeof(T) == 4)
      TORC4.Insert(ArgXor, Arg1, Arg2);
  else if (sizeof(T) == 8)
      TORC8.Insert(ArgXor, Arg1, Arg2);
  uint64_t HammingDistance = Popcountll(ArgXor);  // [0,64]
  uint64_t AbsoluteDistance = (Arg1 == Arg2 ? 0 : Clzll(Arg1 - Arg2) + 1);
  ValueProfileMap.AddValue(PC * 128 + HammingDistance);
  ValueProfileMap.AddValue(PC * 128 + 64 + AbsoluteDistance);

void __sanitizer_cov_trace_cmp1(uint8_t Arg1, uint8_t Arg2) {
  uintptr_t PC = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(GET_CALLER_PC());
  fuzzer::TPC.HandleCmp(PC, Arg1, Arg2);

Similarly stubs are __sanitizer_cov_trace_switch, __sanitizer_cov_trace_div[4|8], and __sanitizer_cov_trace_gep. They all invoke HandleCmp at the end to update new information into the value profile.


This will be at the entry of each basic block. The address of the caller is passed implicitly via caller PC. This is deprecated.


__sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_guard will be at the entry of each basic block after __sanitier_cov_trace_pc. The address of the caller is passed implicitly via caller PC. They are deprecated.

Each function would have a function guard array int32_t FunctionGuardArray[] whose size is the number of the basic blocks. This array is associated with sancov_guards section. __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_guard accepts FunctionGuardArray[IdxofBB] as the guard.

If any function guard array, SanCov will create a section named sancov.module_ctor_trace_pc_guard to invoke __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_guard_init to initialize sancov_guards for each module.

[NOT SURE] In the end, after linking, there will be one sancov_guards and one sancov.module_ctor_trace_pc_guard.


Each function would have a function 8bit counter array int8_t Function8BitArray[] whose size is the number of the basic blocks. This array is associated with sancov_cntrs section. If a basic block is visited, then the corresponding byte in the array will be increased by 1.

If any function 8bit array, SanCov will create a section named sancov.module_ctor_8bit_counters to invoke __sanitizer_cov_8bit_counters_init to initialize sancov_cntrs for each module.

[NOT SURE] In the end, after linking, there will be one sancov_cntrs and one sancov.module_ctor_8bit_counters.

__sanitizer_cov_8bit_counters_init is defined in the following. It shows the counter information flows to Modules in the libFuzzer. In short, Modules records the start and the stop address of the sancov_cntrs divided by page (Region).

void TracePC::HandleInline8bitCountersInit(uint8_t *Start, uint8_t *Stop) {
  if (Start == Stop) return;
  if (NumModules &&
      Modules[NumModules - 1].Start() == Start)
  assert(NumModules <
         sizeof(Modules) / sizeof(Modules[0]));
  auto &M = Modules[NumModules++];
  uint8_t *AlignedStart = RoundUpByPage(Start);
  uint8_t *AlignedStop  = RoundDownByPage(Stop);
  size_t NumFullPages = AlignedStop > AlignedStart ?
                        (AlignedStop - AlignedStart) / PageSize() : 0;
  bool NeedFirst = Start < AlignedStart || !NumFullPages;
  bool NeedLast  = Stop > AlignedStop && AlignedStop >= AlignedStart;
  M.NumRegions = NumFullPages + NeedFirst + NeedLast;;
  assert(M.NumRegions > 0);
  M.Regions = new Module::Region[M.NumRegions];
  size_t R = 0;
  if (NeedFirst)
    M.Regions[R++] = {Start, std::min(Stop, AlignedStart), true, false};
  for (uint8_t *P = AlignedStart; P < AlignedStop; P += PageSize())
    M.Regions[R++] = {P, P + PageSize(), true, true};
  if (NeedLast)
    M.Regions[R++] = {AlignedStop, Stop, true, false};
  assert(R == M.NumRegions);
  assert(M.Size() == (size_t)(Stop - Start));
  assert(M.Stop() == Stop);
  assert(M.Start() == Start);
  NumInline8bitCounters += M.Size();

void __sanitizer_cov_8bit_counters_init(uint8_t *Start, uint8_t *Stop) {
  fuzzer::TPC.HandleInline8bitCountersInit(Start, Stop);


The inline bool flag will be at the entry of each basic block after the inline 8bit counters.

Each function would have a function 1 bit array int1_t FunctionBoolArray[] whose size is the number of the basic blocks. This array is associated with sancov_bools section. If a basic block is visited, then the corresponding bit in the array will be true.

If any function bool array, SanCov will create a section named sancov.module_ctor_bool_flag to invoke __sanitizer_cov_bool_flag_init to initilize sancov_bools for each module.

[NOT SURE] In the end, after linking, there will be one sancov_bools and one sancov.module_ctor_bool_flag.

__sanitizer_cov_bool_flag_init is not defined in the libFuzzer.


For each function, SanCov creates a PC array associated with sancov_pcs to store {PC, PCFlags} pairs. PC is the address of the corresponding basic block, and a PCFlags describes the basic block is the function entry block (1) or not (0).

If one of the trace-pc-guard, inline-8bit-counters, and inline-bool-flag, and any function PC array, SanCov will invoke __sanitizer_cov_pcs_init to initilize sancov_pcs for each module in one of the section:

[NOT SURE] In the end, after linking, there will be one sancov_pcs.

__sanitizer_cov_pcs_init is defined in the following. In short, the information flows to ModulePCTable in libFuzzer.

void TracePC::HandlePCsInit(const uintptr_t *Start, const uintptr_t *Stop) {
  const PCTableEntry *B = reinterpret_cast<const PCTableEntry *>(Start);
  const PCTableEntry *E = reinterpret_cast<const PCTableEntry *>(Stop);
  if (NumPCTables && ModulePCTable[NumPCTables - 1].Start == B) return;
  assert(NumPCTables < sizeof(ModulePCTable) / sizeof(ModulePCTable[0]));
  ModulePCTable[NumPCTables++] = {B, E};
  NumPCsInPCTables += E - B;

void __sanitizer_cov_pcs_init(const uintptr_t *pcs_beg,
                              const uintptr_t *pcs_end) {
  fuzzer::TPC.HandlePCsInit(pcs_beg, pcs_end);

A brief list of (flag, stubs, and information sink in libFuzzer)

Flag Stubs Information Sink
trace-pc,indirect-calls __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_indirect ValueProfileMap
trace-pc-guard,indirect-calls __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_indirect ValueProfileMap
inline-8bit-counters,indirect-calls __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_indirect ValueProfileMap
inline-bool-flag,indirect-calls __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_indirect ValueProfileMap
trace-cmp __sanitizer_cov_trace_[const_]cmp[1|2|4|8] ValuleProfileMap
trace-switch __sanitizer_cov_trace_switch ValuleProfileMap
trace-div __sanitizer_cov_trace_div[4|8] ValuleProfileMap
trace-gep __sanitizer_cov_trace_gep ValuleProfileMap
trace-pc __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc deprecated
trace-pc-guard __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc_guard[_init] deprecated
inline-8bit-counters __sanitizer_cov_8bit_counters_init Modules
inline-bool-flag __sanitizer_cov_bool_flag_init not supported
trace-pc-guard,pc-table __sanitizer_cov_pcs_init ModulePCTable
inline-8bit-guard,pc-table __sanitizer_cov_pcs_init ModulePCTable
inline-bool-flag,pc-table __sanitizer_cov_pcs_init ModulePCTable

Details of coverage collection algorithm and implementation

Recalling that several stubs are instrumented to the target program. The implementation of these stubs are implemented in libFuzzer by default or can be replaced by developers. Most of them are defined in compiler-rt/lib/fuzzer/FuzzerTracePC.cpp. After testing an input, these stubs will update corresponding information. LibFuzzer will then calculate the coverage with the information. A detailed flow is in the following.

    - TPC.ResetMaps();
    - CB(DataCopy, Size);
if (NumNewFeatures || ForceAddToCorpus) {


template <class Callback>
void IterateCounterRegions(Callback CB) {
  for (size_t m = 0; m < NumModules; m++)
    for (size_t r = 0; r < Modules[m].NumRegions; r++)

void TracePC::ClearInlineCounters() {
  IterateCounterRegions([](const Module::Region &R){
    if (R.Enabled)
      memset(R.Start, 0, R.Stop - R.Start);

void ResetMaps() {

TPC.ResetMaps reset 1) ValueProfileMap, a bit map for data flow value, 2) ExtraCounters, 3) InlineCouters, the area for inline-8bit-counters.


size_t NumUpdatesBefore = Corpus.NumFeatureUpdates();
TPC.CollectFeatures([&](size_t Feature) {
  if (Corpus.AddFeature(Feature, Size, Options.Shrink))
    // *

TPC.CollectFeatures accepts a HandleFeature function pointer. In the HandleFeature, it accepts a Feature that is calculated from all the coverage information (Information Sink), and then adds the feature to the corpus.

AddFeature is part of the HandleFeature function to log features. libFuzzer will map a feature to the size of the corresponding input. If the size is zero, the feature is not visited.

bool AddFeature(size_t Idx, uint32_t NewSize, bool Shrink) {
  Idx = Idx % kFeatureSetSize;
  uint32_t OldSize = GetFeature(Idx);
  if (OldSize == 0 || (Shrink && OldSize > NewSize)) {
    if (OldSize > 0) {
      // ...
    } else {
      // ...
    InputSizesPerFeature[Idx] = NewSize;
    return true;
  return false;

In TPC.CollectFeatures, it maps the information sinks to features like below.

// Modules (Inlint8BitCounters)
      0    8    w/o counters  w/ counters
BB00  +d'02+    +0            +(0*8 + log(2))
BB01  +d'80+    +1            +(1*8 + log(80))
FirstFeature += NumOfBits(Modules)
// ExtracCounters
      0    8    w/o counters  w/ counters
CNT0  +d'02+    +0            +(0*8 + log(2))
CNT1  +d'80+    +1            +(1*8 + log(80))
FirstFeature += NumOfBits(ExtraCounters)
// ValueProfileMap
      0    8
VPM0  +d'02+    +6 (b'00000010)
VPM8  +d'82+    +8/+14 (b'10000010)
FirstFeature += NumOfBits(ValueProfileMap)
// StackDepth
                + StackDepthStepFunction(MaxStackOffset / 8)

In general, we map coverage information to a linear feature from zero. For the Modules, libFuzzer checks each byte that records how many times a basic block is visited. If without counters, the feature is the start feature plus the index of the bytes. For BB01, if the index is 1, then the feature is 1. If with counter, it will take d'80 into consideration. The feature is 0 plus log(80). The logarithmic function guarantees the feature will not overflow 8 bits. In the end, the start of the new features will be updated by adding the bit number of modules. ExtraCounters works similarly. For the ValueProfileMap, each non-zero bit is a new feature. For the stack depth, it leverages a hash function StackDepthStepFunction.


If any new features, libFuzzer will update observed PCs.

for (size_t i = 0; i < NumModules; i++) {
  auto &M = Modules[i];
  for (size_t r = 0; r < M.NumRegions; r++) {
    auto &R = M.Regions[r];
    if (!R.Enabled) continue;
    for (uint8_t *P = R.Start; P < R.Stop; P++)
      if (*P) // if this basic block is visited
        // then get the PC of the visited the basic block
        // then invoke Observe

First, if a basic block is visited, libFuzzer will get the PC of the visited the basic in the PCTable, and invoke Observe.

Vector<uintptr_t> CoveredFuncs;
auto ObservePC = [&](const PCTableEntry *TE) {
  if (ObservedPCs.insert(TE).second && DoPrintNewPCs) {
    PrintPC("\tNEW_PC: %p %F %L", "\tNEW_PC: %p",

auto Observe = [&](const PCTableEntry *TE) {
  if (PcIsFuncEntry(TE))
    if (++ObservedFuncs[TE->PC] == 1 && NumPrintNewFuncs)

If the basic block is the entry, then update ObservedFunc. Otherwise, invoke ObservePC to update ObservedPCs.

libFuzzer intercepts

LibFuzzer will intercepts memcmp, strncmp, strcmp, strncasecmp, strcasecmp, strstr, strcasestr, and memmem functions if no ASAN, TSAN, MSAN runtime is enabled. It is not easy to disable this behavior.

A typical flow for each above function is in the following.

    RunningUserCallback = true;
    int Res = CB(DataCopy, Size);
    RunningUserCallback = false;

int memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n) {
  if (!FuzzerInited)
    return internal_memcmp(s1, s2, n);
  int result = REAL(memcmp)(s1, s2, n);
  __sanitizer_weak_hook_memcmp(GET_CALLER_PC(), s1, s2, n, result);
  return result;

void __sanitizer_weak_hook_memcmp(void *caller_pc, const void *s1,
                                  const void *s2, size_t n, int result) {
  if (!fuzzer::RunningUserCallback) return;
  if (result == 0) return;  // No reason to mutate.
  if (n <= 1) return;  // Not interesting.
  fuzzer::TPC.AddValueForMemcmp(caller_pc, s1, s2, n, /*StopAtZero*/false);

Here is a summary of where the collected information will flow.

Function Information Sink
memcmp AddValueForMemcmp ValueProfileMap
strnmp AddValueForMemcmp ValueProfileMap
strcmp AddValueForMemcmp ValueProfileMap
strncasecmp AddValueForMemcmp ValueProfileMap
strcasecmp AddValueForMemcmp
strstr MMT(Mutation Only)
strcasestr MMT(Mutation Only)
memmem MMT(Mutation Only)

To disable them, we could 1) use -use_value_profile=0 when fuzzing to avoid update coverage information from ValueProfileMap, 2) comment these __sanitizer_weak_hook_xxx to reduce the overhead. Luckily, -use_value_profile=0 is the default option of libFuzzer.


  1. For the basic block coverage, SanCov maintains an array that records how many times a basic block is visited, and the libFuzzer will collect that information and calculate features.

  2. To disable fancy features, just do as below.

clang -o foo -fsanitize=fuzzer \
    -fsanitize-coverage=bb \
    -fno-sanitize-coverage=indirect-calls,trace-cmp,stack-depth,pc-table \