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Quick notes for SP'24

Interesting topics

  • Track 1 - Session 6: Fuzzing
    • has 4 papers about directed greybox fuzzing
    • has one paper about harness generation
    • has one paper about fuzzing distributed systems
    • has one paper about post-fuzzing
    • has one SoK paper about fuzzing evaluation
  • Track 1 - Session 11: Software Analysis
    • in general: static program analysis, taint analysis
    • vulnerabilities: Java deserialization, API misuses
    • new staff: undefined-oriented programming, Rust ASAN
  • Track 2 - Session 12: Systems Security
    • attacks: tabbed out
    • defenses: syscall wall, line-rate cross-host attack prevention, discovery of vuls in wireless/usb stacks and kernels ...

Somewhat interesting topics (Web/Network, Architecture, Mobile, IoT/Sensors, Antomotive, Cryptography)

  • Track 1 - Session 2: Web Security
  • Track 2 - Session 2: Security in the Real World
  • Track 1 - Session 4: Software Supply Chain
  • Trace 3 - Session 2: Crypto with Others
  • Track 3 - Session 4: Passwords and Authentication
  • Track 3 - Session 7: Crypto for Messaging and Storage
  • Track 3 - Session 8: Crypto
  • Track 1 - Session 7: IoT Security
  • Track 1 - Session 10: Provenance and Enterprise Security
  • Track 2 - Session 10: Hardware Sidechannels
  • Track 2 - Session 11: TEE and Hardware Security
  • Track 1 - Session 12: Network Security
  • Track 1 - Session 8: Wireless Security and Privacy

Uninteresting topics (Machine Learning/LLM, Blockchain, Human Factors, Usable Security, Privacy)

  • Track 1 - Session 1: Scams and Phishing
  • Track 2 - Session 1: Deep Fakes
  • Track 3 - Session 1: Privacy for Datasets
  • Track 1 - Session 3: Humans
  • Track 2 - Session 3: LLMs and Security
  • Track 3 - Session 3: Differential Privacy
  • Track 2 - Session 4: ML Attacks
  • Track 1 - Session 5: Being Secure Online
  • Track 2 - Session 5: ML Security for Audio and Video
  • Track 3 - Session 5: Zero Knowledge
  • Track 2 - Session 6: ML Backdoors
  • Track 3 - Session 6: Blockchain I
  • Track 2 - Session 7: ML Defenses I
  • Track 2 - Session 8: ML Defenses II
  • Track 1 - Session 9: Applications of Privacy
  • Track 2 - Session 9: Miscellaneous ML
  • Track 3 - Session 9: Security for Democracy
  • Track 3 - Session 10: Blockchain II
  • Track 3 - Session 11: ORAM and PIR
  • Track 3 - Session 12: Privacy and ML