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Usenix Security 24

Notes, 1) x/x/x follows a format of "# of Chinese first authors who study in China"/"# of Chinese first authors who study abroad"/"# of submissions", 2) x/x follows a format of "# of Chinese first authors"/"# of submissions".

Chinese first authors are good at (>=50% of submissions) hardware security, system security, network security, security analysis, mobile security, fuzzing, IoT and CPS, Autonomous and Automatic Systems, AR and VR, ML, LLM, block chain, and differential privacy.

Not good at side channel, web security, user studies, cyrpto, cyrptographic protocols, social issues, zero-knowledge proof, and some other small topics.

Interesting Tracks

  • Hardware Security I: Attacks and Defense (2/2/4)
  • Hardware Security II: Architecture and Microarchitecture (1/4/4)
  • Hardware Security III: Signals (3/4/4)
  • Hardware Security IV: Firmware (0/2/4)
  • Hardware Security V: Embedded (2/2/2)
  • 8/14/18

  • System Security I: OS (1/2/4)

  • System Security II: OS Kernel (1/3/4)
  • System Security III: Memory I (1/3/4)
  • System Security IV: Multithreading (3/3/4)
  • System Security V: Memory II (0/1/4)
  • 6/12/20

  • Network Security I: DDoS (1/3/4)

  • Network Security II: Attacks (2/2/4)
  • Network Security III: Detection (2/2/5)
  • Network Security IV: Infrastructure (3/4/4)
  • 8/11/17

  • Security Analysis I: Source Code and Binary (0/2/4)

  • Security Analysis II: Program Analysis (1/3/4)
  • Security Analysis III: Protocol (1/2/5)
  • Security Analysis IV: OS (1/2/4)
  • 3/9/17

  • Side Channel I: Transient Execution (2/4)

  • Side Channel II: RowHammer (0/4)
  • Side Channel III (3/5)
  • Side Channel IV (1/5)
  • 6/18

  • Mobile Security I (3/4)

  • Mobile Security II (2/4)
  • 5/8

  • Web Security I (1/4)

  • Web Security II: Privacy (0/4)
  • Web Security III: XSS and PHP (0/4)
  • 1/12

  • Fuzzing I: Software (2/4)

  • Fuzzing II: Method (5/5)
  • Fuzzing III: Network (3/4)
  • Fuzzing IV: Hardware and Firmware (0/5)
  • 10/18

  • Wireless Security I: Cellular and Bluetooth (2/4)

  • Wireless Security II: Sky and Space (0/4)
  • 2/8

  • Language-Based Security (1/5)

  • Software Vulnerability Detection (1/4)
  • Cloud Security (2/5)
  • Forensics (1/4)
  • IoT and CPS (2/4)
  • Autonomous and Automatic Systems (3/4)
  • AR and VR (3/5)

  • Measurement II: Network (0/5)

  • Measurement IV: Web (1/4)
  • Measurement V: App (1/5)

The others

  • User Studies I: Social Media Platforms (0/4)
  • User Studies II: At-Risk Users (1/5)
  • User Studies III: Privacy I (0/5)
  • User Studies IV: Policies and Best Practices I (0/5)
  • User Studies V: Policies and Best Practices II (2/5)
  • User Studies VI: Privacy II (0/5)
  • User Studies VII: Policies and Best Practices III (1/4)
  • User Studies VIII: Cryptography (0/4)
  • 4/37

  • ML I: Federated Learning (4/4)

  • ML II: Fault Injection and Robustness (3/4)
  • ML for Security (1/4)
  • ML III: Secure ML (4/5)
  • ML IV: Privacy Inference I (2/5)
  • ML V: Backdoor Defense (3/5)
  • ML VI: Digital Adversarial Attacks (5/5)
  • ML VII: Adversarial Attack Defense (3/5)
  • ML VIII: Backdoors and Federated Learning (4/4)
  • ML IX: Model Extraction and Watermark (2/5)
  • ML X: Privacy Inference II (2/4)
  • ML XI: Physical Adversarial Attacks (4/4)
  • 37/64

  • Crypto I: Secret Key Exchange (0/4)

  • Crypto II: Searchable Encryption (4/5)
  • Crypto III: Password and Secret Key (1/4)
  • Crypto IV: Position and Elections (2/5)
  • Crypto V: Private Information Retrieval (0/4)
  • Crypto VI: Security Analysis (2/4)
  • Crypto VII: Private Set Operations (3/4)
  • Crypto VIII: Side Channel (0/4)
  • Crypto IX: Attacks (1/4)
  • 13/38

  • Cryptographic Protocols I: Multi-Party Computation (2/4)

  • Cryptographic Protocols II (2/5)
  • Cryptographic Protocols III (1/5)
  • 5/14

  • LLM for Security (4/4)

  • LLM I: Attack and Defense (4/4)
  • LLM II: Jailbreaking (4/4)
  • LLM III: Abuse (3/4)
  • 15/16

  • Blockchain I (2/5)

  • Blockchain II (3/4)
  • 5/9

  • Measurement I: Fraud and Malware and Spam (3/4)

  • Measurement III: Auditing and Best Practices I (1/4)
  • Measurement VI: Human Behavior and Security (1/4)
  • Measurement VII: Auditing and Best Practices II (0/3)

  • Social Issues I: Phishing and Password (3/4)

  • Social Issues II: Surveillance and Censorship (2/5)
  • Social Issues III: Social Media Platform (0/4)
  • Social Issues IV (2/4)
  • 7/17

  • Differential Privacy I (3/4)

  • Differential Privacy II (2/4)
  • 5/8

  • Zero-Knowledge Proof I (3/4)

  • Zero-Knowledge Proof II (1/5)
  • 4/9

  • Mobile Privacy (3/4)

  • Deepfake and Synthesis (2/4)

  • Security Analysis V: ML (2/4)

  • Software Security + ML 1 (3/4)
  • Software Security + ML 2 (3/3)
  • 8/11